16 June 2022

The Report on the air quality for the area surrounding the waste to energy plant analysing data detected by the operational control unit in the Aldo Mei park in 2021 highlights no change compared to the previous year. The positive trend is therefore confirmed. This trend has been constant now for several years, demonstrating how the presence of the system does not alter, and has never previously altered, the values of pollutants present in the air.

The station located near the system – and commissioned before the waste to energy plant operation, showed, also in 2021 [..] generally analogous values to those measured in the urban background stations of the provincial monitoring network.

The document also shows an improvement particularly in the concentration of PM10: […] the data  measured in 2021 show a slight decrease in the annual average, while for the excess in the daily limit value the decrease is much more evident, due to the favourable conditions in the dispersion of pollutants during the months of January, February and November. The annual average of PM2.5 shows a decrease similarly to PM10 […]

The complete document can be downloaded on the ARPA website from this link.

For additional information on data regarding the system, please visit the Arpa Piemonte website, in the waste to energy plant section.